搜索 “叶晚99” 相关结果
- 作者:内详
- 主播:叶晚99
- 类型:文学名著 文学名著
- 状态:
- 更新时间:02-11
【内容简介】红楼梦是一部什么书?红楼梦的书名是什么意思?红楼梦的作者是谁?红楼梦的这么多版本相互之间是什么关系?脂砚斋重评石头记是什么意思?脂砚斋神秘的身世如何?脂砚斋是书中的哪一些人物形象?书中为何有甄宝玉贾宝玉?曹雪芹和脂砚斋之间的关系如何?红楼梦后四十回是谁写的?破译红楼梦作者之谜的密码和钥匙在何处?所有的这些问题,在本书中都将依次解答。What is A Dream of Red Palace? What does the title of A Dream of Red Palace mean?Who is the author? What is the relationship among so many versions? How is the mysterious life of Zhi Yanzhai like? Why Zhen Baoyu and Jia Baoyu appeare in the novel? What is the relationship between Cao Xueqin and Zhi Yanzhai? Who wrote the last forty chapters of this book ? All these questions will be addressed in this book.【作者/主播简介】作者:木斋,吉林大学教授/博士生导师,重庆大学高研院客座教授,世界汉学研究会会长(中国澳门注册),世界汉学文学中国研究会会长,香港大学荣誉研究员,美国休斯顿大学高级研究员,中国作家协会会员。中国苏轼研究会副会长,中国词学研究会常务理事。曾任台湾中山大学客座教授,韩国全南大学邀请教授,新加坡南洋理工大学中华语言文化中心研究员。2019年出版:《先秦文学演变史》、《曹植甄后传·汉魏古诗写作史》、《唐五代宋初词史》,连同《读懂红楼梦》,被称之为中国古代文学四大破译研究。Mu Zhai, Professor /Ph.D. supervisor of Jilin University, visiting professor of Institute forAdvanced Studies in Humanities and Social Science of Chongqing University,president of World Sinology Studies (registered in Macao, China), president of Association for Literary , Honorary Research Fellow of University of HongKong, research fellow of University of Houston, and member of ChineseWriters’ Association, as well as vice president of China Su Shi ResearchSociety, and standing director of China Ci-Poetry Research Society. He has everbeen guest professor of Sun Yatsen University of Taiwan, inviting professor of ChonnamNational University of Korea, and research fellow of Nanyang TechnologicalUniversity of Singapore. In 2019, he publishedThe Development of Pre-Qin Literature of China,Biography of Cao Zhi & Zhen Hou and theHistory of Poetry Writing of Han and Wei Dynasties,History of Ci-Poetry of Tang and the Early Song Dynasties, togetherwithUnderstanding “A Dream of RedPalace”,the four books are called a series of decoding study of ancientChinese literature.主播:叶晚99