The Book of Songs is the firs..。 详细介绍>>
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- 00 诗经
- 01- 关雎
- 01-Cooing and Wooing
- 02- 卷耳
- 02-Mutual Longing
- 03- 芣苢
- 03-Plantain Gathering
- 04- 行露
- 04-I Accuse
- 05- 小星
- 05-The Starlets
- 06- 燕燕
- 06-A Farewell Song
- 07- 日月
- 07-Sun and Moon
- 08- 击鼓
- 08-Complaint of a Soldier
- 09- 式薇
- 09-Toilers
- 10- 静女
- 10-A Shepherdess
- 11- 柏舟
- 11-A Cypress Boat
- 12- 鹑之奔奔
- 12-Misfortune
- 13- 硕人
- 13-Duchess Zhuang Jiang
- 14- 氓
- 14-A Faithless Man
- 15- 木瓜
- 15-Gifts
- 16- 黍离
- 16-The Ruined Capital
- 17- 兔爰
- 17-Past and Present
- 18- 采葛
- 18-One Day When I See Her Not
- 19- 将仲子
- 19-Cadet My Dear
- 20- 子衿
- 20-To a Scholar
- 21- 溱洧
- 21-Riverside Rendezvous
- 22- 东方之日
- 22-Nocturnal Tryst
- 23- 东方未明
- 23-A Tryst before Dawn
- 24- 伐檀
- x27;s Song
- 25- 硕鼠
- 25-Large Rat
- 26- 蟋蟀
- 26-The Cricket
- 27- 椒聊
- 27-The Pepper Plant
- 28- 绸缪
- 28-A Wedding Song
- 29- 鸨羽
- x27; Complaint
- 30- 蒹葭
- 30-Where Is She
- 31- 无衣
- 31-Comradeship
- 32- 衡门
- 32-Contentment
- 33- 月出
- 33-The Moon
- 34- 素冠
- 34-The Mourning Wife
- 35- 蜉蝣
- 35-The Ephemera
- 36- 七月
- 36-Life of Peasants
- 37- 东山
- 37-Coming Back from the Eastern Hills
- 38- 鹿鸣
- 38-To Guests
- 39- 采薇
- 39-A Homesick Warrior
- 40- 南山有台
- 40-Longevity
- 41- 车攻
- 41-Great Hunting
- 42- 鹤鸣
- 42-The Crane Cries
- 43- 小宛
- 43-Reflections
- 44- 宾之初筵
- 44-Revelry
- 45- 鱼藻
- 45-The Fish among the Weed
- 46- 大明
- 46-Three Kings of Zhou
- 47- 绵
- 47-The Migration in 1325 B.C
- 48- 皇矣
- 48-The Rise of Zhou
- 49- 生民
- 49-Hou Ji, the Lord of Corn
- 50- 公刘
- 50-Duke Liu
- 51- 长发
- 51-The Rise of Shang
The Book of Songs is the first collection of ancient Chinese poems, mainly composed of lyrics, narrative poems, satirical poems and folk songs. The audio book contains the Chinese classic poems from Elegies of the South, translated by Mr. Xu Yuanchong. Recited in Chinese and English by professionals, the audio book is expected to help “readers” coming from varied language and cultural backgrounds to better enjoy the beauty of classic Chinese poems.
听过“ 精选诗经(中英双语)”的人还听过
- 1. 洗澡 杨绛作品 | 人民文学出版社
- 2. 白色巨塔 医生职业纪实类都市多人小说剧|日剧巅峰之作
- 3. 平凡的世界 | 路遥代表作,杨晨、张震演播,有声独家
- 4. 大围涂
- 5. 繁星点点:都德短篇小说选
- 6. 曹植甄后传-汉魏古诗写作史
- 7. 聊天记录(90后争议之作)
- 8. 民选 梁晓声中篇小说
- 9. 同心兄弟|影视原著,名家作品
- 10. 悲观声浪里的乐观
- 11. 阿胶大传|长篇历史商战小说
- 12. 李鸿章传
- 13. 间爱(文学名著)
- 14. 活着(致敬经典-余华著,一种侃侃、一刀苏苏演播)
- 15. 黄泥地