Ci poetry, originating in the..。 详细介绍>>
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- 00 精选宋词
- 01- 王禹偁-点绛唇
- 01-Wang Yucheng - Rouged Lips
- 02- 寇准-踏莎行
- 02-Kou Zhun - Treading on Grass
- 03- 潘阆-酒泉子
- 03-Pan Lang - Fountain of Wine
- 04- 林逋-长相思
- 04-Lin Bu - Everlasting Longing
- 05- 柳永-昼夜乐
- 05-Liu Yong - Joy of Day and Night
- 06- 柳永-雨霖铃
- 06-Liu Yong - Bells Ringing in the Rain
- 07- 柳永-凤栖梧
- 07-Liu Yong - Phoenix Perching on Plane Tree
- 08- 范仲淹-渔家傲
- 08-Fan Zhongyan - Pride of Fishermen
- 09- 张先-更漏子
- 09-Zhang Xian - Song of Water Clock
- 10- 张先-天仙子
- 10-Zhang Xian - Song of the Immortal
- 11- 晏殊-浣溪沙
- 11-Yan Shu - Silk-washing Stream
- 12- 晏殊-浣溪沙
- 12-Yan Shu - Silk-washing Stream
- 13- 晏殊-玉楼春
- 13-Yan Shu - Spring in Jade Pavilion
- 14- 晏殊-清平乐
- 14-Yan Shu - Pure Serene Music
- 15- 宋祁-玉楼春
Ci poetry, originating in the Tang and written to certain tunes in fixed numbers of lines and words, was fully developed in the Song. Composing ci poems becamea common and fashionable practice among the literati. Ci poetry is quite particular about meter and rhyme scheme. Most ci poems are of profound implications. Along with Tang poetry, ci is a treasure house of China’s ancient literature, read with admiration by people over hundreds of years.
听过“ 精选宋词(中英双语)”的人还听过
- 1. 洗澡 杨绛作品 | 人民文学出版社
- 2. 白色巨塔 医生职业纪实类都市多人小说剧|日剧巅峰之作
- 3. 平凡的世界 | 路遥代表作,杨晨、张震演播,有声独家
- 4. 大围涂
- 5. 繁星点点:都德短篇小说选
- 6. 曹植甄后传-汉魏古诗写作史
- 7. 聊天记录(90后争议之作)
- 8. 民选 梁晓声中篇小说
- 9. 同心兄弟|影视原著,名家作品
- 10. 悲观声浪里的乐观
- 11. 阿胶大传|长篇历史商战小说
- 12. 李鸿章传
- 13. 间爱(文学名著)
- 14. 活着(致敬经典-余华著,一种侃侃、一刀苏苏演播)
- 15. 黄泥地