这是《精选诗经(英文版)》主播:五洲传播出版社   作者:内详   在线收听页!


作者:内详     播讲:五洲传播出版社     小说状态: 更新至51集

The Book of Songs is the firs..。 详细介绍>>

小技巧:章节超过100集会收缩在一起,点击章节中的“ 更多章节”可以查看所有章节,方便您快速找到想听的章节,而且我们对已收听过的章节进行了加灰处理,方便识别。


The Book of Songs is the first collection of ancient Chinese poems, mainly composed of lyrics, narrative poems, satirical poems and folk songs. The audio book contains the Chinese classic poems from Elegies of the South, translated by Mr. Xu Yuanchong. Recited in Chinese and English by professionals, the audio book is expected to help “readers” coming from varied language and cultural backgrounds to better enjoy the beauty of classic Chinese poems.

